



Dear Eager English Learners (and ER fans):
Attendance was good at last Friday's open editing session, and for
that reason I will do the same sort of thing again tomorrow (Monday,
May 26, 2008) in Room 1302, beginning at 16:00 and continuing for no
more than two hours.
This time, it will be a different person's paper on a different
subject. Everyone is welcome to attend, but this activity is intended
primarily for graduate students and other people planning to write
and submit a paper for publication in English.

I hope to demonstrate through this and future editing sessions that
writing and editing a paper is a complex process whose main elements
are common to all writing and editing in English and whose standards
differ from the standards of writing and publication in Japanese.
To get a paper published in English is difficult even if you are a
native speaker; it is nearly impossible if you are ignorant of the
written and unwritten rules of English composition. Writing skills
and familiarity with writing rules cannot be acquired hastily after
you have completed your field study and obtained and analyzed all
your necessary data: for best results, you should begin while you are
reading other people's papers in your field.

Please note also that, while last Friday's and tomorrow's events are
announced as "Extra Medical English", they differ in fundamental ways
from other EME and ER Evening events, which are designed to help you
to improve your listening and speaking skills (which are even more
important, because they are the basis of your writing skills). I urge
newcomers to attend at least three different events before reaching a
conclusion regarding their utility.
And finally, a reminder to all: "Come when you can, leave when you
must." We all have different schedules and I don't want you to be
late for your other activities. It is perfectly acceptable to come
for part of the session and leave midway -- but please sign the
Guestbook when you arrive.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Christopher Holmes
Assistant Professor, Medical English
Office of International Academic Affairs
University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine


